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中文摘要: 云南某铁选矿厂的尾矿,含铁28.68%、二氧化硅40.95%,开展了摇床重选、高梯度强磁选、正浮选、阴离子反浮选和阳离子反浮选等五种工艺的探索对比,阳离子反浮选是较佳的提铁降硅工艺流程。该铁尾矿经阳离子反浮选工艺选别后,获得精矿含铁51.13%、二氧化硅11.54%、回收率64.76%的技术经济指标,为该矿山企业综合回收利用二次资源提供了决策的依据。
Abstract:A kind of iron concentrator tailings in Yunnan province with iron content of 28.68% and silica content of 0.95% is processed by five different anti-flotation processes such as :shaking table gravity separation, high-gradient strong magnetic separation, flotation, anionic reverse flotation.as well as cationic reverse flotation. The results are compared and show that cationic reverse flotation is a better processing method for Iron and reduce silicon. By cationic reverse flotation process, concentrate with grade of 51.13% and silica content of 11.54% is obtained with recovery rate of 64.76%, which provides a decision-making basis of comprehensive secondary resources recycling for the mining company.
文章编号:201104013 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
曾茂青 | 国土资源部昆明矿产资源监督检测中心,昆明650218 |
王世涛 | 国土资源部昆明矿产资源监督检测中心,昆明650218 |
杨晓峰 | 国土资源部昆明矿产资源监督检测中心,昆明650218 |
乐智广 | 国土资源部昆明矿产资源监督检测中心,昆明650218 |
孙广周 | 国土资源部昆明矿产资源监督检测中心,昆明650218 |