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投稿时间:2017-07-31 修订日期:2018-03-24
投稿时间:2017-07-31 修订日期:2018-03-24
中文摘要: 使用葡萄糖还原剂,对锌阳极泥进行了还原浸出实验。通过响应曲面法的模型优化设计和分析,研究了浸出过程中葡萄糖糖用量、硫酸用量、浸出温度对锰和铅浸出率的影响,得到最佳优化还原锰的工艺条件,并获得了二阶多项式模型。在葡萄糖用量为3.5g、硫酸用量16g、浸出温度90℃,在此优化条件下锰的浸出率为93.19%,铅浸出率为0.37%。
Abstract:Reductive leaching experiments of zinc anode slime were performed by using glucose as reductant. The effects of glucose concentration , sulfuric acid concentration, leaching temperature,, on the leaching ratio of Mn and Pb were investigated using response surface methodology for optimal and analysis. Optimal process parameters on Mn and Pb from zinc anode slime and the order polynomial equation of model were obtained. Under the optimal condition as follows, glucose concentration of 3.5g,sulfuric acid concentration of 16g,leaching temperature of 90℃. The results show that the theoretical leaching ratio of Mn and Pb of model predicts can reach 93.19% and 0.37 respectively.
文章编号:20170731001 中图分类号:TF533.2 文献标志码: