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投稿时间:2017-09-06 修订日期:2017-09-08
投稿时间:2017-09-06 修订日期:2017-09-08
中文摘要: 通过对洛钼一公司辉钼矿的力学性质和粒度特性的研究,采用不同磨矿介质配比的探索试验及工业试验以改善辉钼矿的磨矿效果。实验室研究结果表明,该辉钼矿硬度分布不均,平均硬度系数为8.36,平均泊松比为0.346,为中等偏硬且韧性较大的矿石;磨矿分级循环产品粒度特性差,粗级别的磨碎效率偏低;经探索试验得出推荐方案γ 0.2mm比现场方案降低7.03个百分点,γ-0.074mm、γ0.20~0.010mm和γ0.10~0.038mm分别比现场方案提高7.55、7.00和7.46个百分点。工业试验结果表明, 5#旋流器溢流γ 0.10mm减少6.25个百分点,γ-0.074mm和γ0.10~0.038mm分别提高12.17和6.01个百分点;6#旋流器溢流γ 0.10mm降低0.66个百分点,细度及γ0.10~0.038mm分别提高8.55和3.38个百分点。在磨机处理能力和单耗方面,5#球磨机处理能力提高12.79%,单耗降低0.0641kg/t ,6#球磨机处理能力提高12.43%,单耗降低0.0237kg/t。
Abstract:A systematic research on the mechanical properties and product size characteristics of Luoyang Molybdenum ore No1 Plant was conducted and different medium size distributions were adopted to select the best experiment design to achieve the goal of improving grinding effect in industrial test. Experimental tests results show that the hardness of molybdenum ore is unevenly distributed, a middle to high-hardness and tough ore sample has a hardness rating 8.36, poisson ratio rating 0.346; grinding cycle product size characteristic is not good and has low level of coarse grinding efficiency; the result of exploration experiments reveal that γ 0.2mm of recommended project reduced 7.03 percentage points than plant’s previous scheme, the fraction of -0.074mm, 0.20~0.010mm, 0.10~0.038mm increased by 7.55, 7.46 and 7 percentage points. The industrial test results show that the γ 0.10mm of 5# cyclone overflow decreased by 6.25 percentage points, the grinding fineness and the middle level 0.10~0.038mm that easy to select were increased by 12.17 and 6.01 percentage points; the γ 0.10mm of 6# cyclone overflow decreased by 0.66 percentage points, fineness and γ0.10~0.038mm were increased by 8.55 and 3.38 percentage points. In terms of mill throughput and unit consumption, 5# mill production capacity increased by 12.79%, unit consumption decreased 0.0641kg/t, the throughput of 6# ball mill increased by 12.43% and the unit consumption reduced 0.0237kg/t.
文章编号:20170906002 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
肖庆飞* | 省部共建复杂有色金属资源清洁利用国家重点实验室 | 13515877@qq.com |
王国强 | 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院 省部共建复杂有色金属资源清洁利用国家重点实验室 | |
宋念平 | 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院 洛阳栾川钼业集团股份有限公司 洛阳栾川钼业集团股份有限公司 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院 |