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投稿时间:2017-09-07 修订日期:2017-09-12
投稿时间:2017-09-07 修订日期:2017-09-12
中文摘要: 决策采矿方法选择的因素很多,传统的经验类比法具有较大的主观随意性,不确定性,综合考虑了影响采矿方法的定量与定性指标,如:矿块生产能力,采矿工效,矿石损失率,矿石贫化率,采切比,采矿成本,作业安全性,通风状况,工艺复杂等。通过构建了指标隶属度矩阵和权重矩阵。然后应用模糊数学矩阵最优化决策原理进行综合评判,根据隶属度最大原则确定出方案的优先顺序,从而得到最优方案,文中的某矿优选结果说明,用模糊数学优选出的采矿方案具有较强的实用性,实现了安全,高效的目的,所以证明模糊数学是可靠的。
Abstract:there are many factors selection of mining method, the traditional empirical analogy method has great subjectivity and uncertainty, considering the impact of quantitative and qualitative indicators, mining methods such as: ore production capacity, mining efficiency, ore loss and ore dilution rate, stripping ratio, the cost of mining, ventilation operation safety, complex process. The index membership matrix and weight matrix are constructed. Then the application of fuzzy mathematics comprehensive judgement matrix optimization principle, according to the principle of maximum membership degree determine the priority scheme, thus the optimal scheme of a mine optimization results in this paper show that has strong practicability with the fuzzy optimization of mining scheme, to achieve a safe, effective, so that fuzzy mathematics is reliable.
keywords: fuzzy mathematics membership degree weight matrix fuzzy comprehensive evaluation mining method
文章编号:20170907002 中图分类号: 文献标志码: