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投稿时间:2017-10-30 修订日期:2017-11-05
投稿时间:2017-10-30 修订日期:2017-11-05
中文摘要: 针对云南某矿地下矿体的采场稳定性,运用FLAC3D建模并进行开挖模拟,选择标高3556~3571m建立采场模型,对采场长度、宽度以及高度分别为30m、14m和15m的结构参数水平进行模拟,并得出开挖区域的位移应力图和顶底板的位移监测,之后运用Monte Carlo法建立极限方程,代入Matlab进行数值模拟,得出顶底板和边帮的失效概率。采场的左边帮、右边帮的失效概率较小,而顶底板的失效概率相对较大。
中文关键词: 采场稳定性 FLAC3D模拟 Monte Carlo法 极限方程
Abstract:The stability of a mining in an underground mine in Yunnan province, use FLAC3D modeling and simulation of excavation and Select the elevation 3556 ~ 3557m to set up the mining model. The structure parameters of 30 m 14 m and 15 m respectively were simulated for the length, width and height of the stope, and the displacement of excavation area should be calculated and the displacement monitoring of the top bottom plate should be obtained, after using the Monte Carlo method to set up limit equation of numerical simulation in Matlab, it is concluded that the roof and floor and slope failure probability.The failure probability of the left hand side and the right side of the stope are relatively small, while the failure probability of the top plate is relatively large.
文章编号:20171030001 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
乔守乐 | 昆明理工大学 | 18468254434@163.com |
卿黎* | 昆明理工大学 | gary_km@sina.com |
梁志强 | 昆明理工大学 |
乔守乐,卿黎,梁志强.基于FLAC3D和Monte Carlo 法采场稳定性分析[J].矿冶,2018,27(4):45~49.
乔守乐,卿黎,梁志强.基于FLAC3D和Monte Carlo 法采场稳定性分析[J].矿冶,2018,27(4):45~49.