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投稿时间:2020-09-14 修订日期:2020-09-22
投稿时间:2020-09-14 修订日期:2020-09-22
中文摘要: 攀西钒钛磁铁矿是我国铁、钒、钛等重要战略资源,经过多年的努力,形成了采、选、冶的铁、钒及钛完整产业链,初步实现了钒钛磁铁矿的综合利用,但存在资源利用水平不高、部分有用资源未提取等技术难题,目前铁、钒和钛三种资源利用率分别为70%、41%和21%,尚未实现钴、镍、铬、钪等宝贵金属的利用。本文结合攀西钒钛磁铁矿的矿物学特性对该矿的选矿技术现状进行综述,表明钒钛磁铁矿通过“阶段磨矿、阶段选别”选矿方式获得铁精矿和选铁尾矿,选铁尾矿再经过高梯度强磁选-重选-浮选-电选流程获得钛精矿,钒和铬元素以类质同象性质进入铁精矿中;通过不断的优化和开发新型选矿工艺,利于实现攀西钒钛磁铁矿的绿色高效综合利用。
Abstract:Pan-xi vanadic titanomagnetite is the most important strategic resources including iron, vanadium and titanium in China. After many years" research and innovation, those resources have formed complete industry chain covering from ore mining, ore dressing and smelting. However, some key technical difficulties such as lower resource utilization efficiency, some valuable mineral unutilized and so on are still unresolved. Currently, the resource utilization of iron, vanadium and titanium are merely 70%、41% and 21%, respectively. Moreover, precious metals like Co, Ni, Cr and Sc are still unutilized., According to the mineralogical properties of Pan-xi vanadic titanomagnetite, the current status and development of ore dressing engineering are reviewed in this paper. The results show that iron concentrate and tailings from iron ore dressing could be obtained from the vanadic titanomagnetite using the process of the stage-grinding and stage separation. Then ilmenite concentrate has been isolated from the tailings through the technological processes including high gradient high intensity magnetic separation, gravimetric concentration, flotation, and electric separation. V and Cr are present mainly as isomorphism in iron concentrate. Pan-xi vanadic titanomagnetite could be become a green and efficient comprehensive utilization through optimizing and developing new mineral processing.
文章编号:20200914001 中图分类号: 文献标志码: