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投稿时间:2022-05-01 修订日期:2022-05-12
投稿时间:2022-05-01 修订日期:2022-05-12
中文摘要: 硫化锌矿浸出渣中有价元素丰富,是重要的二次资源,但因其性质、结构极为复杂,实践中分选回收效率往往较低。深入研究浸出渣工艺矿物学性质对其高效回收具有重的理论价值。对内蒙古某中大型锌冶炼厂的氧压锌浸出渣进行了深入的工艺矿物学研究。结果表明:锌浸出渣含硫44.33%、铅2.65%、锌4.24%、银192 g/t,主要有用矿物为单质硫(硫磺)、闪锌矿、铅矾等,银可能主要赋存于含铅矿物中;含有近20%的可溶性锌和铁硫酸盐,极少量的黄铜矿和黄铁矿;浸出渣颗粒粒度细,无典型的结构和构造;铅、锌和铜矿物主要以毗连和包裹的形式与硫磺连生,且主要集中在-10 μm粒级,该粒级中银的分布率达到86.47%,是后续分选回收需要注意的重点。
Abstract:The residue produced from zinc sulfide leaching process often contains abundantly valuable elements, and it is an important secondary resource. However, its enrichment and recovery are still low economic and efficient in industry practice due to its extremely complex properties and structures. Deep insight on technological mineralogy of residue potentially provides an important theoretical basics for the efficient recovery technology development of residue. In this work, the occurrence features of valuable elements in a leaching residue from a large-scale zinc metallurgy plant in Inner Mongolia were determined. The results show that the residue contains 44.33% sulfur, 2.65% lead, 4.24% zinc and 192 g/t silver, mainly occurring in the forms of element sulfur, sphalerite and anglesite, in which the silver may mainly borne in the lead minerals. Approximately 20% soluble zinc and iron sulfate, and a small amount of chalcopyrite and pyrite were found in the residue. The leaching residue particles are ultra-fine size and disappears obvious structure and configuration. Most amount of lead, zinc and copper minerals are mainly associated with sulfur in the forms of adjacent and wrapped intergrowths with -10μm particle size in the residue. It should be noted that the distribution of silver in -10μm fraction is reached as high as 86.47%, which is the key factor affecting subsequent separation performance.
keywords: leaching residue process mineralogy silver sulfur
文章编号:20220501001 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
李小伟 | 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院 | LXW575757@163.com |
先永骏* | 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院 | yjxian@kust.edu.cn |
刘全军 | 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院 | kmliuqj@sina.com |
杨大锦 | 云南驰驰宏锌锗股份有限公司 | 13987186818@163.com |
王国栋 | 呼伦贝尔驰宏矿业有限公司 | chkywgd@163.com |