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投稿时间:2022-10-13 修订日期:2022-10-13
投稿时间:2022-10-13 修订日期:2022-10-13
中文摘要: 本文在H3AsO4-FeSO4-K2SO4-H2O体系中研究了K+对水热臭葱石矿化沉砷过程中砷铁沉淀率、沉砷渣物相组成及转变规律的影响。结果表明:K+存在与否对沉砷渣物相组成影响显著,处于过饱和状态的Fe(III)除As(V)共沉淀生成臭葱石(FeAsO4?2H2O)并自身水解沉淀为碱式硫酸铁(Fe(OH)SO4)外,还会与K+结合以黄钾铁矾(KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6)形态竞争析出。当初始K+浓度为5 g/L、初始砷浓度10 g/L、初始铁砷摩尔比1.5、初始pH为1、反应温度160 ℃、搅拌转速500 r/min、反应时间3 h、氧分压0.6 MPa时,砷、铁沉淀率分别为96.7 %、96.5 %;沉砷渣物相组成主要为臭葱石、黄钾铁矾、碱式硫酸铁,其含量分别为65.0 %、24.2 %、10.8 %,臭葱石以大颗粒多面体状晶体形式产出,不规则晶体形态的黄钾铁矾小颗粒分散于其中;沉砷渣中 As、Fe、K、S含量分别为 23.39 %、25.72 %、1.84 %、4.09 %。通过将臭葱石矿化沉砷初始铁砷摩尔比控制在合理范围内可有效抑制亚稳态黄钾铁矾物相的形成,实现砷的高效沉淀、提高沉砷渣中砷含量并降低其产量。
Abstract:The effects of K+ on precipitation rate of arsenic and ferric, phase and chemical composition of As-bearing precipitate, and phase transition behavior were studied during hydrothermal mineralized arsenic precipitation in H3AsO4-FeSO4-K2SO4-H2O system. The results show that the presence of K+ in the system has a significant effect on composition of As-bearing precipitate. In addition to co-precipitation with As (V) to form scorodite (FeAsO4?2H2O) and self-hydrolysis precipitation to basic ferric sulfate Fe(OH)SO4, supersaturated Fe (III) will also competitive precipitation with K+ in the form of K-jarosite(KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6). With conditions of the initial concentration of K+ 5 g/L, arsenic concentration 10 g/L, iron-arsenic molar ratio 1.5, solution pH 1, reaction temperature 160℃, agitation speed 500 r/min, reaction time 3 h, and the oxygen partial pressure 0.6 MPa, the precipitation rates of As and Fe were 96.7 % and 96.5 %, respectively, and the phase compositions of As-bearing precipitate were mainly scorodite, jarosite and basic ferric sulfate, the contents of which were 65.0 %、24.2 % and 10.8 %, respectively, the content of As, Fe, K and S in arsenic slag was 23.39 %、25.72 %、1.84 % and 4.09 % , respectively. The formation of metastable state K-jarosite phase can be effectively inhibited by controlling the initial iron-arsenic molar ratio in a reasonable range, so as to achieve efficient precipitation of arsenic, increase the arsenic content in As-bearing precipitate and reduce its yield.
keywords: hydrothermal system mineralized arsenic precipitation scorodite arsenic precipitation rate
文章编号:20221013001 中图分类号:TF811 文献标志码:
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(52064034);云南省重点研发计划(202202AB080005);国家重点研发计划(2021YFC2902801);通信作者:李存兄,博士,教授;从事有色金属冶金研究;E-mail:licunxiong@126.com 张兆闫1 邓戈1,2 曹远栋3 李玉东2 唐晓明3