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投稿时间:2022-12-06 修订日期:2023-01-31
投稿时间:2022-12-06 修订日期:2023-01-31
中文摘要: 湖南某选矿尾矿中Sn含量为0.15%,锡主要是以锡石的形式存在,由于粒度较细,难以通过单一重选或直接浮选回收其中的锡。由于回收难度较大,长期以来,该锡资源被堆存在尾矿库中,造成了资源浪费。为了综合利用该锡矿资源,进行了系统的试验研究,最终采用离心机脱泥-浮选(包括一次粗选、两次扫选和四次精选)的重浮联合工艺,较好地回收了该锡资源,闭路试验指标为:锡精矿含锡16.11%,回收率69.91%。
中文关键词: 尾矿 锡细泥 离心机脱泥-浮选工艺 综合利用
Abstract:Certain mineral processing tailings in Hunan contains Sn 0.15%, and tin mainly exists in the form of cassiterite. Due to the fine particle size, it was difficult to recover tin from it by single gravity separation or flotation. Due to the difficulty of recovery, this tin resource has been stored in tailings pond for a long time, resulting in resource waste. In order to comprehensively utilize the tin resources, a systematic beneficiation was carried out. Finally, the tin resource was recovered by the combined process of centrifuge desliming-flotation(One roughing, two scavenging and four cleaning). The locked-circuit test index is as follows: tin concentrate contains Sn 16.11% and recovery 69.91%.
文章编号:20221206001 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
过建光 | 中钨高新材料股份有限公司 | szy2528@163.com |
肖文工 | 湖南柿竹园有色金属有限责任公司 | xiao810224@126.com |
凌石生 | 矿冶科技集团有限公司 | lingshisheng@bgrimm.com |