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投稿时间:2023-02-28 修订日期:2023-03-23
投稿时间:2023-02-28 修订日期:2023-03-23
中文摘要: 为了保证两断层中间区域采场内作业人员和设备的安全。采用结构力学分析方法,将采空区重叠顶底板简化为固支梁力学结构模型,建立系统总势能方程。基于尖点突变理论,构建采空区重叠顶底板失稳的尖点突变模型,获得采空区重叠顶底板失稳判据,并通过工程实例进行验证。结果表明:特殊断层会加大顶板岩梁受到的拉应力与X方向位移,且在重叠顶底板厚度一定的情况下,顶板受到的拉应力与X方向位移越大,重叠顶底板越容易发生失稳。
Abstract:In order to ensure the safety of workers and equipment in the middle area of the two faults. Using the structural mechanics analysis method, the overlapping roof and floor of the goaf are simplified as a mechanical structure model of the fixed beam, and the total potential energy equation of the system is established. Based on the cusp catastrophe theory, the cusp catastrophe model of the instability of the overlapping roof and floor in the goaf is constructed, and the instability criterion of the overlapping roof and floor in the goaf is obtained and verified by engineering examples. The results show that the special fault will increase the tensile stress and X direction displacement of the roof beam, and in the case of a certain thickness of the overlapping roof and floor, the greater the tensile stress and X direction displacement of the roof, the more prone to instability of the overlapping roof and floor .
keywords: mutation theory fault influence stability instability criterion overlapping roof and floor numerical simulation
文章编号:20230228004 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
李弘博 | 昆明理工大学 | 15640491257@163.com |
陈俊智* | 昆明理工大学 昆明 | 465424873@qq.com |
陈明清 | 昆明理工大学 | 15640491257@163.com |
王子航 | 昆明理工大学 昆明 | 15640491257@163.com |
王昊 | 昆明理工大学 昆明 | 15640491257@163.com |